Rinse and Repeat…

Rinse and Repeat…

The simple directions for washing your hair. Routine becomes muscle memory. Who even reads the directions anymore? How many things in our lives do we do on auto pilot? Alarm rings, get up, shower, coffee, go to work, come home, eat, binge watch (when exactly did that become a VERB)??? go to bed, get up and do it all over again.

Now life interrupted with a pandemic. It’s as if the record skipped and has started on a new song (you know retro vinyl) every day a new reality. What is the new rinse and repeat? How do we cope? It is evolving. It is changing with the wind…. Literally. I lie in bed and wonder what this new day will bring. Who will be touched? What is my task for the day?

My friend said she read on Next Door this week that there aren’t days of the week anymore, just today, yesterday and tomorrow. So simple, so finite, so easy to focus. I like it. So today I’ve got to make masks. Yep, fun ones, of course! I have lots of GO Lisey fabric, so I’m gonna whip some up! What about you?

Posted on April 3, 2020 .